Welcome to the Factory 13 Skateboards blog. This site is "bro powered" and Factory 13 approved but not authored by Danny. To contact Danny, send an e-mail to Danny@Factory13.org. For blog related inquiries and photo submissions, send an e-mail to Factory13Skateboards@gmail.com. Thanks and enjoy!

Shiny Pigs

10 1/2" x 33" with a 16 1/2" wheelbase. That's how Danny grows 'em down on the farm.


These were made for The Black Dahlia Murder. Danny has killer screen printing skills!

Another 8 Wheeler

This one is for Carter, the drummer for JFA.

Dear Factory 13,

The Factory13 Pig Single Beam deck I'm riding is the best deck I've ever ridden! It's just perfect for me 'cause it's very stiff and strong and its dimensions are truly what I need - 32 inches long! THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your hard working and support. You deserve lots and lots of respect, Danny Creadon/F13 workers and rippers! Hopefully some day i can see you all in São Paulo for some skateboarding sessions and for some punk rock as well! Thank you again!


Factory 13 8 Wheeler 14 1/2" x 35"
Tracker Mid Tracks 85mm Trucks
ABEC 11 No Skoolz Wheels 60mm/81a