Welcome to the Factory 13 Skateboards blog. This site is "bro powered" and Factory 13 approved but not authored by Danny. To contact Danny, send an e-mail to Danny@Factory13.org. For blog related inquiries and photo submissions, send an e-mail to Factory13Skateboards@gmail.com. Thanks and enjoy!

The Mars Volta

Danny did ten custom boards for Cedric (The Mars Volta) when Factory 13 ran their model boards.


Awesome Indys on this one. HOT!


You don't see these everyday. DECKNOLOGY!

Danny says...

Alright, so when are you gonna make the decision? Is it time to turn away from big business and government control or not? Are you a follower or a leader? Declare your independence! Support independent bands, punk labels, artists, tattooists, skateboard makers, whatever it takes to prove the point. We will not take it any more!

Old School

Whoa! Such an awesome set up.

Sweet Complete

JFA pool deck complete with the frontside skelly.

F13 Ink

The print room is gettin' a little crowded.

Texas Style

Stop sign nose cut, spoon concave, gloss black slik ply

Roller Girl

Even chicks dig Factory 13!!!

Iron Cross Pig

There's nothing more beautiful than a Factory 13 deck that's ready for battle.
Thanks Bobby!

Godoy Prototype 2010

How sick is the nose on this thing!
9 " x 32" - 15 1/4" wheelbase
Double kick and deep concave


Hey, is this a true Clevelander or what?!
Drinking and skating, the perfect combination.
This is Scott, he's a lifer. A bit weird but a great friend of Factory 13!

Killer Shape

Some people say that you can't make a skateboard out of dolphin and killer whale skin. We obviously proved them wrong.

Iron Cross Pig

Iron Cross 11" x 31" pig, potato chip concave, lime green slik ply
By far the most popular skateboard in the world today.